The Journey of a Nyasa Rainbow Alliance Through Self-Assessment

FHI360 came to visit Nyasa Rainbow Alliance (NRA) at their offices in Blantyre from the 15th-16th May to help in the self-assessment process for NRA to take a closer look into the organization’s work. It is important for an organization to go through this assessment so that any gaps identified should be highlighted and resolved for the smooth running of the workplace and its mission.

In the dynamic landscape of activism and advocacy, the pursuit of progress is not merely about external actions but also about introspection and self-improvement. For NRA, this entails a continuous process of evaluating their own practices, structures, and impact. Self-assessment becomes a vital tool not only for ensuring organizational effectiveness but also for staying true to the core values of inclusivity and empowerment.

In recent years, the Malawian LGBTQIA+ community has made significant strides in gaining visibility and recognition. Yet, amidst these advancements, there remains a pressing need for introspection within LGBTQIA+ organizations themselves. Are they truly reflective of the diverse spectrum of identities within the community? Are their strategies inclusive and equitable?

Recognizing these imperatives, many LGBTQIA+ organizations have embarked on journeys of self-assessment, seeking to align their practices with their overarching mission of promoting equality and acceptance. These assessments often encompass a wide range of dimensions, including organizational culture, leadership diversity, program effectiveness, community engagement, and financial accountability mechanisms.

The experience of NRA with the help of FHI360 serves as a testament to the transformative power of self-assessment within LGBTQIA+ organizations. In a landscape marked by complexity and diversity, this process enables organizations to stay true to their values, foster inclusivity, and drive meaningful change within their communities. As they continue on this journey of introspection and growth, they pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable future for all members of the LGBTQIA+ community in Malawi.